Saturday, November 26, 2011

My dress for semi-formal is beautiful.

I've already have everything together except for my hair. I'm not sure what i'm going to do. The style that I wanna do requires my hair to be a but longer.....well I think it will. But we'll seee.

Once again, this is unnecessary filler. I have nothing to write about but I feel like writing and don't want this to be boring and empty. Ugh, darn you "writer's block."

Friday, November 25, 2011

My first 'Black Friday' was a success.

The lines weren't too long, people acted like they had some type of manners, I bought a new awesome computer for $250, and I bought some really cute clothing at Banana Republic (: It was also fun to see how crazy long the lines are and how ridiculously excited people get for this "holiday", if it can even be called that. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One negative, One Positive.

One negative: My computer's being jank and my mom said she's not putting another dime into it so i'm using hers. But I don't know if I'll be able to take it back to school with me.

One Positive: I've lost weight. At the end of the summer I gained weight from what weight I previously was. And now I've lost weight. So, I've at least lost 3 pounds. Yay (:

I hate when people keep me waiting.

Like, i'm not about to be sitting here on waiting on your when you know we have things planned. If you know we have things planned, then get off your butt ASAP and let's do them. Especially if you have me waiting on something stupid. Like, really? Don't waste my time. It's annoying and rude. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Honestly, I don't feel bad for people who kill themselves.

I feel sympathy for the situation that their past situations but, the fact is, they chose to kill themselves instead of taking action over their situation. They allowed people control how they felt about themselves and their actions instead of taking the situation into their own hands and refusing to let life take a huge dump all over them. Don't let someone else's behavior impact the way you feel or think about yourself. Take control. It's all up to you. Don't blame society, your parents, teachers, friends, enemies, etc. for your problems. Take control and think before you act. There is no point in making a permanent solution to a temporary action. 

I always feel bad when I spend money.

And to make it worse, my mom complained about it. But, on the brightside I can always exchange.

P.S. I really have nothing to say. At this point, i'm just writing dumb filter because i'm bored and need something to do and I don't want this blog to be empty.....but it doesn't really matter.

Friday, November 18, 2011

I don't even know what to talk about.

I haven't been on here in a while and I just felt like I should write something but I have nothing to write. Sometimes, things will come to mind that make me want to blog about but, i'm just not feeling it today. So, I'll just go back to watching Degrassi. They just showed a clip of the new freshmen and...well, they suck. It's unfortunate but very true.