Thursday, December 29, 2011

Watching other people's kids makes me not want to have any.

1. Watching other people's kids makes me not want to have any. Like, these kids are so bad sometimes and their parents let them do whatever they want. Like, they're generally good children but when they start acting up, they really act up. Like, it's ridiculous. Ugh, but on the bright side, it's my last day of baby sitting.

2. I hate when people try to short change me. Like, if you know what you wanna pay me, then tell me. Don't ask me and then say you don't wanna pay that price. If you don't tell me what you want, then i'm gonna say what I want and that should be what you give. And honestly, I understand we're in a recession but don't short change me. Considering the amount of work I do, you should pay me accordingly because I don't have to do this. I'm find hanging out with my friends and doing what I want but instead i'm helping you. Especially when i'm up until the crack of dawn. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Honestly, I like The Weeknd. But,

He's one of those artists that you can only listen to for a certain amount of time or it gets annoying. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

If I say you're my friend, then basically you're like family.

I will look out for you like it's nobody's business. I'll do just about any and everything I can to makes sure you're okay and feel good about yourself and love you unconditionally. As long as you're willing to do the same. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I'm so tired of feeling like my best isn't good enough.

I'm tired of keeping everything in and just ignoring how I feel. I'm tried of feeling like my feelings aren't as important as everything else. I'm tied of people telling me it's okay when it's not. I'm tired of people acting like i'm overreacting every time i show the slightest emotion. I'm tired of people acting like the understand when they don't. I'm tired of always feeling like shit. I'm just tired. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I'm slowly but surely starting to become more comfortable with my self.

It's gonna take much more time but I'm becoming more comfortable in my skin and accepting my flaws. There a few things I want to change but their minor and can be done with time and effort. 

I really want to be a vegetarian. Or at least a pescatarian.

But it's so hard to maintain at my school. All of the vegetarian alternatives are very unappealing and it's very rare we have a meal with just fish. Ehhh, It's something i'd have to start during the summer and then plan for the school year. I have this vision of my life when i'm older having an organic garden and always cooking at home instead of going out to eat and just being a healthy person..

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I've got the perfect gift for my mom.

‘Miss Dior Cherie’. She’s always saying she wants a new fragrance so i’ll buy that. It’s kinda expensive considered that I can’t have a job at school but, i’ll save up. I’m also gonna try to talk my brother into buying her a tablet because she wants one soo bad. I also might buy my friend a cut out of a man but I don't even know where to buy that. I also have to figure out what to buy my brother. And I have to buy my nephew and Godmom stuff. Ugh, so many people, so little money and so little time. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Semi Formal

The awaited day has come. It's been but annoying and cute to watch the freshmen and new students be so excited. But, they are going to be slightly disappointed, I already know. But, I have everything picked out and ready. Honestly, I care more about getting ready than I do about the actual dance itself. I don't know if that's sad or normal.

I've also been ridiculously tired lately. But then again, I haven't gone to be earlier than 12 this week. Hopefully I'll get some sleep over the weekend. But I think I have an ear infection because it hurts really bad and for no reason.....I hope my back feels better too. :(